Monday, August 4, 2008

Fishing trip

Went fishing this past weekend, had a lot of fun. The gas cost me a fortune! I drove about 235 miles round trip. 35.00 to fill up before we left, and another 50.00 to fill up before we drove home. I used a half tank of gas to drive the 100mi. back home.

Seems like it's a better idea to just stay home and do nothing (or work all freakin' weekend) than
to try to go and enjoy yourself relaxing at the lake. It kinda takes the fun out of it when you have to buy the gas to go do something now days. I'd bet George Bush isn't swiping a credit card into a gas pump and getting bent over like the rest of us!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My first complaint...

Just started this blog, because my wife and son are tired of hearing me bitch and complain about various things. Please feel free to express comments about gas prices, the economy, your job, boss, wife, kids, neighbors, the president, etc. This was created for people like me who are just "sick and tired of being sick and tired". So if you feel that you need to "unload", please feel free. I have a thick skin, so you don't have to be "politically correct" or any of that crap.